Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kirkuk governor: Hawija Arabs call to be secured by Peshmerga

Kirkuk governor: Hawija Arabs call to be secured by Peshmerga

Kirkuk ( The chieftains of the Arab tribes in Kirkuk expressed their concerns towards the recent events in Hawija district, calling the Kurds to protect them against any threats. This came during the meeting that was held on Thursday at the PUK’s general relations building in Kirkuk in presence of Kirkuk governor, Najim al-Din, and Asu Mamond, member of the political office for the PUK.

Mamond stressed during the meeting his support for “Kirkuk’s people’s demands,” confirming “The recent unrest in Kirkuk concerns all Kirkuk’s people.”

On other hand, Kirkuk governor said “Hawija events created a sort of security vacuum in a number of the province’s areas,” pointing out that “to fill this vacuum we need to deploy some of Peshmerga forces on Kirkuk’s outskirts to secure these areas.”

“Deploying Peshmeraga forces at Kirkuk’s borders is not related to any political dimension,” he added.

For their part, the notable figures of Kirkuk’s Arab tribes expressed their worries towards the recent disorder in Hawija, demanding Kirkuk governorate and the PUK to secure them.