Monday, September 23, 2024


Kuwait hidden player in Iraq’s crisis, says Nusaiyf

Kuwait hidden player in Iraq\

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusayif of the Hurra Iraqiya Slate accused Kuwait of feeding the segregation among the Iraqi people to mislead the public and the Iraqi government about its trespass on parts of the Iraqi territories.

Nusayif said “We do not rule out the idea that Kuwait is giving rise to the escalation of the crisis in Iraq as it works on disturbing Iraq’s rehabilitation and its regaining for power in the region which leave space for other countries to be powerful on account of Iraq.”

“The current crisis in Iraq serves Kuwait’ interest as Kuwait is the first beneficiary from the unrest in Iraq, so we do not rule out Kuwait’s participation in escalating the crisis of Iraq amidst the active movements of the regional countries’ intelligence in Iraq,” she added.

She stressed “the necessity to pay attention to Kuwait’s stealing for territories from Iraq instead of indulging in the political disputes which exhausted the Iraqi people.”