Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki condemns Israeli attack on Syria

Maliki condemns Israeli attack on Syria

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki condemned the Israeli bombarding on Syria.

Maliki said in a statement received by on Monday “The Israeli assaults on Syria, which represent a violation to the international law and blatant encroachment to a member state at the UN is a serious issue and deserves to be condemned by all the world countries that are eager to the international security and peace.”

“We had warned from the escalation of the Syrian crisis and its serious consequences on the region and the world if the foreign interferences were given space, yet the required measures were not taken to resolve this growing crisis and put an end to the tragedies suffered by our friendly Syrian people,” the Premier added.

Syrian and US media outlets have reported that Israeli aircrafts bombarded in many air raids targets inside the Syrian territories over the past days.