Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mayahi calls Iraqi FM to request its Turkish counterpart to reveal its deal with PKK

Mayahi calls Iraqi FM to request its Turkish counterpart to reveal its deal with PKK

Baghdad ( MP, Aziz al-Mayahi, of the White bloc called the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to request its Turkish counterpart to reveal its deal with the Kurdistani Workers’ Party PKK.

In a press statement received by, he said “The deal between the Turkish Premier, Recep Tayib Erdogan, and the head of the PKK, Ochelan, over suspending the PKK elements to Qindiel which is within the Iraqi territories is suspicious and we do not know whether Iraq is involved in this deal.”

“We are surprised over choosing Qindiel as a place for deploying the PKK elements who are more than fifty thousand without consulting Iraq where there are deal among Iraq, Turkey and the US over chasing those elements,” he added.

“The Iraqi FM must show its serious and urgent stance over this issue in addition to taking a suitable action because it will affect Iraq,” he pointed out.

He called the “Political sides to avoid their disputes and have a united national stance over this issue which affects the stability of Iraq.”