Thursday, September 26, 2024


UK Foreign Office describes Iraq’s situation as "extremely worrying"

UK Foreign Office describes Iraq\

London ( The British Foreign Office described the situation in Iraq as extremely worrying, calling the political sides to “settle their disputes via dialogue.”

The British Foriegn Minister for Middle East and North Africa Affairs, Alistair Burt, said on Saturday “The Situation in Iraq is very worrying and all realize well the size of the risks following the political disputes and the people in Iraq should avoid the re-occurrence of the Syrian experience in their country.”

“The United Kingdom believes that the best solution to resolve the crisis of Iraq is to resort to dialogue,” Burt added stressing that his country “no longer practices any action in Iraq after the withdrawal of the US and British military forces from the country.”

Burt confirmed “The Britain’s role in Iraq now, lies in supporting the political sides which work on finding peaceful solution for their disputes.”

“The UK realizes the pressures facing the Iraqi government due to the terrorist attacks,” he argued, emphasizing that “Counter-terrorism is also a crucial issue that should be taken into consideration.”

Concerning the relations between Baghdad and Erbil, the British official said “The UK encourages any act to hold talks between Kurdistan Region and the Central Government to settle their disputes over the oil revenues and the other pending issues.”

Burt welcomed the findings of the provincial elections recently conducted in Iraq, stressing that these elections were conducted in a very peaceful atmosphere which is considered to be a great progress in Iraq.