Saturday, September 21, 2024


Alewi holds MoT responsibility of damaging crops

Alewi holds MoT responsibility of damaging crops

Baghdad ( MP, Karim Alewi, the member of the Parlaimentary Water and Marches Committee held the Ministry of Trade the responsibility for the damage of the crops.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The government and the specialized ministries in particular, is responsible for the damages of the corps because they did not construct dams in the areas between Iraq and Iran where the Ministry of Water Resources had to be ready for such disaster.”

“The reason behind damaging the crops is due not to receive them by the MoT where the crops in Maysan province were ready to be delivered to the stores of the MoT, but the MoT did not receive them,” he added.

He stressed the necessity of “Compensating the famers and include them in the agricultural plan because their areas are considered within the damaged areas.”