Saturday, September 21, 2024


Musician Qaraghuli passes away in Dhi-Qar

Musician Qaraghuli passes away in Dhi-Qar

Dhi-Qar ( The great Iraqi musician, Talib al-Qaraghuli, passed away at the age of 74 years in a hospital in Dhi-Qar province.

The Artists Syndicate in Dhi-Qar province announced the death of the late artist before Thursday noon in Hussein general hospital in Nassiriya city.

The late had checked in the hospital on Wednesday night and he died on Thursday noon due to his suffering from diabete.

The Iraqi great musician was born in 1939 in Nasser village of Nassiriya city which is famous by its love to music and singing what made the late possessed by his love to music.

The late composer was attracted to music so he formed an important point in music composing and became a remarkable sign in the art heritage. \END\