Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Maliki to IraqiNews.com: we determined to strictly punish neglectful army officers

Maliki to IraqiNews.com: we determined to strictly punish neglectful army officers

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The General Commander of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki promised to punish the army officers whom their areas witness security breaches.

Maliki stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) “There is strict discipline adopted by the army and the police to accountable and punish those who neglect their duties since the negligence leads to bloodshed.”

“We have many punishments, arrests and dismissals against the army elements for the same reason,” he added.

Baghdad and a number of provinces witnessed over the past few days a surge of violence which led to dozens of deaths and injuries.