Saturday, September 21, 2024


Hakim, US embassy charge d’affaires discuss resolving Iraq’s political crisis

Hakim, US embassy charge d\

Baghdad ( Head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, stressed during welcoming the US embassy charge d’affaires, Duc Solomon, Iraq’s need for dialogue to resolve its political crisis.

The media office of the SIIC cited on Thursday “Hakim received the US embassy charge d’affaires, in Baghdad,” noting “The SIIC’s head confirmed that the dialogue is the key for settling all the political problems.”

“Solomon praised, during the meeting, Hakim’s initiative related to his calling for the politicians to meet to reassure the Iraqi people and adopt the meeting as a charter of honor against the terrorism and sectarianism,” the statement added.

The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Hakim, called on last Wednesday all the political sides and the Sunni and Shiite Endowments along with Kurdistan Region to hold an inclusive meeting at his office to put an end to the terrorism and unify the visions.