Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Urgent – ..Allawi intends to hold session to discuss security situation

Urgent.....Allawi intends to hold session to discuss security situation

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The head of the Iraqiya Slate, Ayad Allawi announced on Thursday his intention to hold a session to discuss the security situation in Iraq.

Allawi mentioned in his page on social media (Twitter) “I will hold a session to discuss the security situation in Iraq,” noting “We present political and morale support for all kinds of peaceful demonstrations guaranteed by the Constitution and the human rights principles.”

Head of the Iraqiya Slate has accused on last Wednesday, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki of not showing interest to the deaths and injuries of the last bombings that hit Baghdad and other provinces.

Allawi mentioned in his page on social media (Twitter) “The intentional absence of the General Commander of the Armed Forces to the investigation session at the parliament does not only indicate his irresponsibility, but also proves his disregard to the martyrs and their families.”