Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Nusayif accuses Nijaifi of using parliament budget for personal issues

Nusayif accuses Nijaifi of using parliament budget for personal issues

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya Alliance accused Nijaifi of using the budget allocated for the parliament to rent a private plane to travel with the members of his alliance to Kurdistan Region.

In a press statement received by, she said “Nijaifi rented a private plane in a very high price to go with the members of Mutahidoun Slate to Kurdistan Region last week where their visit was not formal.”

“The millions spent for renting the plane were supposed to be given to the poor especially when Ramadan month is close or they were supposed to treat the injuries due to the terrorist attacks,” she added, showing surprise over “The silence of the MPs over this issue,” calling “The parliament chairmanship to reveal the amount of the rental of the plane.”