Wednesday, September 25, 2024


PUK announces its support for Hakim’s initiative

Erbil ( The spokesperson of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s political office, Azad Jundiani, stressed “The PUK’s support to the initiative released by head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, in which he called on all political sides to get to dialogue table to confer about addressing the political and security crises in Iraq.”

Hakim called on May 22nd all the political sides and both of the Sunni and Shiite Endowments along with Kurdistan Region to hold inclusive meeting at his office in Baghdad to discuss resolving the political crisis and confronting terrorism.

Jundiani said in a statement reported by PUK’s media office on Sunday “We uphold and support this valuable initiative by Hakim and we wish all success for it.”

He called all the political sides to” support this initiative.”

“Hakim is well interested in Iraq’s affairs and how to save the country from possibilities of sectarian strife,” Jundiani added noting “We always see such constructive initiatives from Hakim.”

“We wish to see positive results for this initiative soon,” he concluded.