Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi leaders must act immediately to stop carnage, says Kobler

Iraqi leaders must act immediately to stop carnage, says Kobler[05/31/2013]

Baghdad ( The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Martin Kobler, condemned in the strongest terms yesterday’s wave of bomb attacks that killed and injured dozens of innocent Iraqis in several crowded commercial areas of Baghdad.

“I once again urge all Iraqi leaders to do everything possible to protect Iraqi civilians. It is their responsibility to stop the bloodshed now,” said Kobler in a statement by UNAMI received by

“It is the politicians’ responsibility to act immediately and to engage in dialogue to resolve the political impasse and not let terrorists benefit from their political differences,” he added. “We will continue to remind the leaders of Iraq that the country will slide into a dangerous unknown if they do not take immediate action,” Kobler concluded.

Baghdad witnessed series of 13 car bombings killing and injuring 226 citizens on last Monday evening.