Sunday, October 6, 2024


Kurdish MP criticizes Barzani’s statements over constitution of Kurdistan Region

Baghdad ( MP, Shayan Mohamed, of Taghyeer Kurdish bloc criticized the statements of the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, over the constitution of Kurdistan Region describing the statements as “Away from the actual scene.”

She stated to “The Kurdish opposition and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan agreed to grant the issue of amending the constitution to the parliament setting the national accord a condition to present the amendments for a referendum.”

Concerning the reports over Barzani’s intention to nominate for third term, she said “We do not have a problem with Barzani but the constitution does not permit him to be a president for Kurdistan Region for more than two terms.”

It is worth mentioning that Barzani criticized the Kurdish political sides strongly for not reaching agreement over amending the constitution.