Sunday, September 29, 2024


Ahrar bloc calls tribes in Anbar to help in eliminating sedition among Iraq

Ahrar bloc calls tribes in Anbar to help in eliminating sedition among Iraq

Baghdad ( The head of al-Ahrar bloc, Baha al-Araji, called the Iraqi tribes in Anbar to help in avoiding the sedition among the Iraqi people by killing the Iraqis by the armed groups.

He stated to “The statements for condemning the terrorist crimes are no more useful and the terrorists are still conducting their attacks against Iraqis.”

“The terrorists and the Baathists murdered 14 persons in Nukhaib district on last Wednesday,” he added, stressing that “Terrorism target all Iraqis according to plots based on the political situation and the regional atmosphere.”

“We call Iraqis and specially the tribal figures to assume their role in confronting the terrorist plots that aim at creating sedition among Iraqis,” he concluded.