Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iranian official: Iran to pursue those involved in terrorist act against Iranian pilgrims in Iraq

Iranian official: Iran to pursue those involved in terrorist act against Iranian pilgrims in Iraq

( The spokesperson of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Abbas Iraqaji strongly condemned the armed operations in Iraq which targeted on last Friday two buses of Iranian pilgrims in the Iraqi Diyala province.

Car bomb exploded targeting two buses carrying Iranian pilgrims at the border Mundhiriya crossing of Muqdadiya district in Diyala that resulted in killing and injuring 62 of them.

Iraqaji described the terrorist operations that carried Iranian pilgrims in Diyala as coward act that contradicts with the humanitarian and Islamic norms,” stressing “committing such a crime on the Prophet Sending Day indicates that this crime was either directly committed by the enemies of the Islamic nation or by those who work within the foreign agendas.”

“Iran and Iraq have the legal right to trace the supporters of the terrorism and the two countries will react against these terrorist operations at the right time,” he noted.

“It is the Iraqi government’s responsibility to protect the lives of the Iranian people coming to visit the holy shrines in Iraq,” the Iranian official added pointing out that “Iran will follow up this case with the Iraqi officials through the diplomatic channels .”