Monday, September 23, 2024


INA, IS, Kurdistan Region calls to cancel Saint Lego law to ensure domination on power

INA, IS, Kurdistan Region calls to cancel Saint Lego law to ensure domination on power

Baghdad ( MP Wihda al-Jumaili of the Iraqiya Slate stressed that “The Iraqi National Alliance, the Iraqiya Slate and the Kurdistani Alliance refuse to adopt the electoral system of Saint Lego in the next parliamentary elections so as to continue the domination on the power.”

The Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki has called to change the current electoral system before conducting the coming legislative elections because it does not guarantee the political majority.

Jumaili stated to Iraqi News ( “The Saint Lego law was approved by the people through the vote of majority of MPs on it, so it is difficult to challenge its legality,” pointing out “This law allows the small blocs and parties to gain seats as the Iraqi Communist Party won a seat in the recent local elections in Baghdad and some provinces also the Christians got a seat.”

“The State of Law Coalition, the Dawa Party in particular insist on adopting the closed lists in the next parliamentary elections to gather their votes in one place after these votes were dispersed in the recent local elections,” he added.

“It is not only the SLC calls to cancel the Saint Lego law, but also the IS, INA and the KA as they want to continue dominating the power and not giving the other electoral slates chances to win seats,” Jumaili concluded.