Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mohamedawi warns of forging Anbar, Nineveh’s local elections’ results

Mohamedawi warns of forging Anbar, Nineveh\

Baghdad ( The Secretary General of the Patriotic Sons of Iraq Coalition, Abbas al-Mohamedawi warned people of Anbar and Nineveh provinces from conducting the next local elections’ sorting and counting of votes inside these provinces instead of doing them in Baghdad to avoid forgery.

It is scheduled the local elections of Anar and Nineveh will be conducted on 20th of current June while the provincial elections were conducted for twelve provinces on 20th of last April, also it is scheduled Kurdistan Region’s local elections will be launched in next September together with the parliamentary and presidential elections, on other hand, the date of Kirkuk’s provincial elections is not identified yet.

Mohamedawi said “Our people in Anbar and Nineveh have to beware of recurring the mistake happened in some provinces such as Diyala and Diwaniya where the sorting and counting of votes in were conducted in these two provinces instead of Baghdad, thus the findings of the elections in these provinces were subject to forgery.”