Monday, September 23, 2024


Sadrist MP attributes Maliki’s call to change Saint Lego Law to his coalition’s loss in local elections

Sadrist MP attributes Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP Amir al-Kinani of the parliament Ahrar bloc associated to the Sadr Trend attributed the Premier Nouri al-Maliki’s call to cancel the electoral system, Saint Lego Law, to his loss in the recent local elections in Iraq.

The Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki has called to change the current electoral system before conducting the coming legislative elections because it does not guarantee the political majority.

Kinani stated to Iraqi News ( “This law allows the votes of the small blocs to go to the large blocs to ensure the justice while Maliki thinks of changing the Saint Lego Law due to his coalition’s loss in the last provincial elections.”

“We have no problem with changing the law to prepare for the coming parliament elections, also we do not have problem with adopting the multiple circles law similar to that followed by the advanced countries,” h added noting “We are with changing the current law but through coordinating with the Independent High Electoral Commission.”

“In principle, the majority of the political blocs are convinced of Saint Lego except the State of Law Coalition where all the blocs positively voted on the law save the SLC, expecting that the idea of changing the Saint Lego Law will win acceptability to enact a new law that ensures justice.”