Saturday, September 21, 2024


Obama agrees upon extending protecting Iraqi funds in USA for one more year

Baghdad ( The US President, Barrack Obama, agreed upon extending protecting the Iraqi funds in Iraq for one more year.

A statement by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry received by cited “The Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, met with the US Advisor, Brett McGruk, where they discussed the mutual relations and developments of the Syrian situation.”

“Zebari received a letter from the US United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, stating that the Obama agreed upon extending the protection of the Iraqi funds in the USA for one more year,” the statement added, noting that “Kerry assured that this extension is due to the special partnership between the two countries and according to the Strategic Pact.”

“Zebari denied the involvement of Iraq in any military action in Syria where it is not a part of the conflict in Syria,” the statement concluded.