Saturday, September 21, 2024


SLC MP calls to internationalize violations of terrorism-supporting countries

SLC MP calls to internationalize violations of terrorism-supporting countries

Baghdad ( MP Salman al-Musawi of the State of Law Coalition called to internationalize the violations of the countries which support the terrorism.

Musawi told Iraqi News ( “Iraq fights all forms of terrorism and al-Qaeda but it is blamed at a time the terrorism-supporting countries such as the Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar are not condemned, calling the Iraqis to protect their country themselves under international support.”

“The support of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the terrorism became very clear after the victory of the Syrian regime’s army on the terrorist groups including the Nusra army and the Syrian Free Army and Al Qaeda,” he stressed.

“The Iraqi security forces strongly combated the terrorism in Anbar desert, but the country needs today, support of its neighboring countries to address the problems and internationalize the issue of backing the terrorism by some countries against Iraq, through submitting this case to the United Nations and the Arab League or through the International Justice Court,” Musawi concluded.