Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dozens of demonstrators denounce Qatar’s interferences in forming Diyala local government

Dozens of demonstrators denounce Qatar\

Diyala ( Dozens of people demonstrated on Sunday in front of Diyala Provincial Council building in support of the National Diyala Alliance. correspondent said “Demonstrations took into street this morning in front of Diyala PC in central Baquba city, capital of Diyala province in support of National Diyala Alliance.”

“The demonstrators raised posts in which they denounced the Qatari interferences in forming the province’s local government,” he added.

Members of National Diyala Alliance, except the Ahrar bloc, and Ta’akhi Slate associated to the Kurdistani Alliance withdrew from Diyala PC session of last Wednesday devoted to form the local government to protest the formation of the Diyala local government.