Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Timimi calls to dismiss Basra Police Commander [07/15/2013]

Timimi calls to dismiss Basra Police Commander[07/15/2013]

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Mansour al-Timimi of the State of Law Coalition called the local government in Basra to dismiss Basra Police Commander on background of the bombings the province witnessed last Sunday.

Basra witnessed on last Sunday two bombings of car bomb and motorcycle, resulted in killing and injuring 13 persons.

Timimi described the bombings that hit a number of Iraqi cities on last Sunday as a failed attempt to spark sedition among the Iraqi people.

“The Iraqi people is very aware to that plot and this awareness would abort all those plots,” he added calling to dismiss the neglectful security leaders, most notably Basra Police Commander.”