Wednesday, September 25, 2024


UN Report commends dialogue between Baghdad – Erbil

Baghdad ( The UN Secretary General, Baan Ki-moon welcomed in his third report on Iraq, the dialogue between the Iraqi leaders, also he welcomed the agreement the central government reached with Kurdistan Regional Government, calling to quickly implement it and stressed that the UN is ready to assist all sides in Iraq to achieve the national reconciliation.

Ki,moon confirmed in the report that the violence returned to appear in Iraq in recent, hence I urge the political leaders to exert further efforts to get over the growing political crisis in compliance with the Constitution through earnest dialogue to cut way in face of those who try to exploit the unrest to launch their terrorist acts.

The UNSG condemned the violence that occurred during Hawija events on 23rd of April and called on the security forces to practice utmost restraint as he called the demonstrators to keep the demonstrations peaceful while practicing their legal right of expression and demonstration.

Concerning the demonstrators’ demands, he called the government to consider these demands especially those pertaining to amending the Accountability & Justice law, Anti-Terrorism law, the General Amnesty.

Ki-moon applauded the Independent High Electoral Commission to its success to organize the local elections and assured that this success indicates that Iraq has the ability to assume free democratic process.