Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraq officially calls UNSC to extend UNAMI’s mandate for 1 year

Iraq officially calls UNSC to extend UNAMI\

( Iraq officially demanded the UN Security Council to extend the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq’s mandate (UNAMI) for one year.

Iraq Permanent envoy to the UN, the Ambassador, Mohamed al-Hakim, said during the UNSC session held on last Tuesday to follow up the Secretary General’s report on the UNAMI “I would like to convey the Iraqi government’s request to prolong the UNAMI’s mandate for one year according to the terms adopted in the Security Council’s resolution No.1770 for 2007.”

“The Iraqi government called on the UNAMI to provide the logistic needs required to secure the adequate number of the observers to ensure transparent parliament elections scheduled in 2014,” he added.

In talking about the recent developments at the Liberty Camp, the Iraqi Ambassador said “Baghdad condemns the recent attack of mortars on the Camp by terrorist groups, stressing “The government is providing security and humanitarian and medial aids to all the Camp’s residents.”

The Permanent Iraqi envoy welcomed Albania’s approval to relocate 270 persons of the Liberty’s residents, also welcomed Germany’s decision to shelter 100 persons of the Camp’s residents.