Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Davutoglu’s expected visit to Tuk Khurmatu not interference in Iraq’s affairs, says MP

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Turkmen MP, Hassan Ozmen of the Iraqiya Slate described the expected visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, to Tuz Khurmatu district, which is mostly resided by Turkmens in Salah il-Din province, as “it is not an interference in Iraq’s affairs”.

Tuz Khurmatu was subject to repeated bombings over the past weeks that led to dozens of deaths and injuries.

Some media outlets reported that the Turkish FM plans to visit Tuz district to check on the Turkmens’ conditions and express Turkey’s full support to the Turkmens in Iraq.

Ozmen stated to IraqiNews.com “This visit will not propose solutions for the crisis, but it comes to draw the attention of the Iraqi government to address the unrest in this district, as the visit is not an intervention in Iraq’s affairs where other visits will be paid from other countries to monitor the situation in Tuz and other Turkmen parts of Iraq.”