Friday, September 20, 2024


Bayati urges to punish authorities responsible for protecting Taji, Abu Ghraib prisons

Bayati urges to punish authorities responsible for protecting Taji, Abu Ghraib prisons

Baghdad ( MP Abbas al-Bayati, member of the parliament Security & Defense Committee stressed the need to punish the sides concerned in protecting the Taji and Abu Ghraib prisons in Baghdad following the escape of prisoners and the armed attacks on the two prisons.

Gunmen had attacked on last Sunday the Taji and Abu Ghraib prisons using IEDs, mortars and machine guns in an attempt to free the prisoners.

Bayati stated to “The issue is very worrying and we should not restrict our measures to the investigations only but also to punish the sides responsible for protecting these two prisons, and we called earlier to merge the dangerous prisoners in one place that is closely guarded.”

“The repeated escape of prisoners necessitates taking new plans to guard the prisons and confine the dangerous prisoners,” he pointed out.