Saturday, September 21, 2024


Bafi calls to compensate Faili Kurds – grant them 7 parliament seats

Bafi calls to compensate Faili Kurds and grant them 7 parliament seats

Baghdad ( MP Hamid Bafi of the Kurdistani Alliance called the legislative and the executive authorities to compensate the Faili Kurds and the other components which were subject to genocide and displacement during the former regime.

Bafi said “The Faili Kurds suffered major injustice and genocide in hands of the former regime, despite the issuance of some good resolutions during the new regime, the Faili Kurds were not compensated as required up till now.”

He called on both the government and the parliament to compensate this oppressed Iraqi component through restoring all their rights such as the Iraqi nationality and their seized properties and giving them compensations to occupy important positions in the state that suit their size and role in the society.”

Bafi called to assign at minimum seven parliament seats for the Faili Kurds, five in Baghdad and two in Wasit in order to reassure them and compensate them.