Wednesday, September 25, 2024


KA MP: Government responsible for poor services not parliament

KA MP: Government responsible for poor services not parliament

Baghdad ( The Kurdistani Alliance held the government responsibility fro the failure in the service sector as being directly responsible for this file.

The spokesperson of KA, Mu’ayed al-Tayieb stated to Iraqi News ( “The service sector is the specialization of the government and the parliament voted on the federal budget for 2013 where funds were allocated for this sector including the water, electricity sectors …so on,” noting “The government’s job is to implement the projects and it is responsible for any negligence in this regard, this is what is adopted not only in Iraq but in all other countries where the executive authority is responsible for the poor services, not the parliament.”

“The parliament’s role is to make legislations and facilitate the government’s work through approving the laws while the application of the laws is the government’s specialization,” he added.