Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadr’ bloc: suspending US embassy’s activities in Baghdad gives green light for Qaeda


Baghdad ( The Ahrar bloc associated to the Sadr Trend described the decision of closing the US embassy in Baghdad as a message to the rest countries to follow this step and close their embassies in Iraq as it confirms presence of a crisis in the country.

Head of the bloc, Baha al-Araji, said “The US Department of State decided to suspend the activities of its embassy in Iraq at a time we wish to close this embassy permanently and we would like to remind our people that the USA is still the cause of crises in Iraq and this decision sends a clear message to the other countries that Iraq is experiencing an emergency state, so you must close your embassies as well.”

“This resolution is also a message to assure the crisis in the country and give green light to the Qaeda to carry out their terrorist operations, hence we call on our people to consolidate their unity and override such manners which aim to arouse fear inside the people,” he added.

He called the Iraqi government to demands the USA to close its embassy in Iraq as it became a source of concern for the security.

The US Department of State decided to close some of its embassies which usually work on Sundays in Baghdad, Abu Dhabi and Cairo due to security concerns.