Saturday, October 5, 2024


MP Demands to re-consider current security leaders

MP Demands to re-consider current security leaders

Baghdad ( MP, Sharif Suliaman, of the Kurdistani Alliance demanded to re-consider the current security leaders and replace them due to their failure in preserving security situation in Iraq.Suliaman told ”The recent security breaches should force the Government to discuss the security situation and the posts of security leaders since the Iraqi people are paying their bloods for Government’s wrong judgments, ” stressing that ”The security leaders must be responsible to prevent security breaches.””There are no constitutional legtimacy for appointing these security leaders and the Commanding General of Armed Forces and the Parliament have to find the suitable mechanism to replace them and discuss the security situation, otherwise they will subject to tougher investigations next times,” he added.Many MPs and politicians demanded the Commander of Baghdad Operations Command and other security leaders to resign, describing them as liars and unable to protect the Iraqi people. \END\