Monday, September 23, 2024


MP rules out nominating security ministers during next period

MP rules out nominating security ministers during next period

Baghdad ( MP, Jawad al-Jouburi, of al-Ahrar bloc within the Sadr Trend ruled out nominating the security ministers during the next period, accusing the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, of use up time to keep running the security ministries by himself.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The General Commander of the Armed Forces, Nouri al-Maliki and his Coalition, the State of Law Coalition, are trying the use up the time to keep running the security ministries by Maliki and not to nominate the security ministers.”

“The security ministers must be nominated and this will be done very late and may be before the parliamentary elections to avoid blaming Maliki for nominating the security ministers,” he added, noting that “One of the reasons behind the disturbed security situation is the domination on the security ministries.”