Saturday, September 21, 2024


Committee formed in Dhi-Qar to investigate reasons behind wounding protestors

Committee formed in Dhi-Qar to investigate  reasons behind wounding protestors

Dhi-Qar ( A committee was formed in Dhi-Qar province to investigate in the reasons behinds wounding several protestors demanding to cancel pension of three Presidencies and members of the Parliament and Cabinet.A source of Dhi-Qar province reported that ”The Local Governorate in Dhi-Qar province instructed to form a committee to investigate the reasons behind wounding several protestors and attempting to end the demonstration by force despite authorizing them to hold the demonstrations.”Five protestors were wounded, while they were heading towards the office of the Parliament in Nassiriya city from Habobi Square demanding to cancel the pension of members with three Presidencies, Parliament, Cabinet and the special degrees, due to using water cannons and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators by force by the Anti-Riot Police in Dhi-Qar province. \END\