Sunday, September 22, 2024


Government denies MKO alleged reports over kidnapping its elements by ISF

Government denies MKO alleged reports over kidnapping its elements by ISF

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Government denied the alleged reports by Mujaheddin-e-Khalq Organization in which the organization claimed that the Iraqi Security Forces kidnapped seven MKO elements.

A statement by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, received by cited “MKO used to launch and promote lies;” noting that “In this context, MKO claimed that seven of its elements were kidnapped by the ISF during the recent attack against New Iraq Camp.”

“The Government confirm that the elements of MKO prevented the ISF from entering the camp to investigate the sides behind the recent attack targeted the camp,” the statement continued.

“We would like to indicate the agreement concluded between the Iraqi Government and the UN over relocating the elements of MKO who reside Iraq illegally to other countries,” the statement concluded.

It is worth mentioning that MKO accused the government of being behind the attack that targeted Ashraf camp in northern Diyala at the beginning of current September.