Friday, September 20, 2024


Ayad Allawi reveals map of spreading extremists – Al-Qaeda elements

Allawi reveals map of spreading extremists, Qaeda

Baghdad ( The head of the Iraqiya Slate Ayad Allawi revealed that he acquired a map that indicates the spread of extremists and Al-Qaeda elements.

Allawi mentioned on his personal Facebook page “We warned the US and the Russian Union as well as the European Union in addition to some Arab leaders in 2005, 2006 and 2007 that the wrong policies in confronting Al Qaeda organization and other militias or political sectarianism in Pakistan and Iraq will lead to spreading the powers of extremism in the world,” noting that “A lady working as a journalist in the famous Economist Newspaper sent me a copy of a map that confirm my statements.”

“This lady was among the attendees of a conference that I attended as a lecturer,” Allawi added.