Sunday, September 22, 2024


Over 3100 Iraqi civilian casualties in September due to terrorism – UN Mission to Iraq

UNAMI : September human casualties due to terrorism exceed 3000 civilians
Baghdad ( The UN Mission to Iraq, UNAMI, announced that the human casualties reached (3,112) deaths and injuries due to terrorism and armed operations in Iraq during last September.

UNAMI reported in a statement received by ”About (979) were killed and (2,133) others were wounded due to violence and terrorism in Iraq during September which is higher than the human casualties statistic of August.’

‘The statement quoted the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Nikolay Mladenov, as saying ”While the terrorist forces are continuing in targeting all Iraqi sects, I call upon all political leaders to exert more efforts by promoting dialogue and national reconciliation in order to work uniformly to stop this massacre and grant protection for all Iraqi people regardless their affiliations.”

”Baghdad suffered the biggest share in terms of human casualties, where (418) civilians were killed and (1,011) others were wounded, followed by Nineveh, Diyala, Salah-il-Din and Anbar provinces,” the statement concluded.