Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Khalil: Erbil, Baghdad recent bombings not to hinder democratic achievements

Khalil: Erbil, Baghdad recent bombings not to hinder democratic achievements

Baghdad ( MP, Mahma Khalil, of the Kurdistani Alliance stressed that the recent bombings that targeted Baghdad and Erbil will not hinder the democratic achievements accomplished by Iraq.

He stated to “Qaeda and Nusra Front terrorist organizations are enemies of all Iraqi communities.”

“The victories on political and democratic levels agitated the enemies of Iraq that conduct these bombings,” he added.

“The development in Kurdistan Region is obtained through the efforts and cooperation of all Iraqis,” he mentioned.

“The Kurdistani Alliance is a part of the Federal Government and the political process in Baghdad,” he assured,

“The next Iraq is the democratic and peaceful Iraq that set solutions for the regional countries,” he concluded.