Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sajjad: SLC demands IHEC to prepare for next elections

Sajjad: SLC demands IHEC to prepare for next elections

Baghdad ( MP Huda Sajjad of the State of Law Coalition assured that “The SLC officially demanded the Independent High Electoral Commission to prepare for conducting the next parliamentary elections on its set date,” noting that “The SLC rejects postponing the next elections.”

She stated to Iraqi News Saturday “This demand comes after allocating the sufficient budget for IHEC by the Council of Ministers on its previous session to conduct the elections and this shows that the executive authority led by the Premier Nouri al-Maliki is keen on conducting the elections on the set date.”

“The stances of the State of Law Coalition towards conducting the elections is different from the political statements launched by some politicians who realize that the Kurdistani Alliance is the first side which submitted a request for postponing the elections and the SLC rejected this request,” MP Sajjad concluded.