Sunday, September 22, 2024


Saad calls to punish neglectful officials for canceling holding Khaliji 22 in Basra

Saad calls to punish neglectful officials for canceling holding Khaliji 22 in Basra

Baghdad ( MP, Suzan al-Saad, of the Fadhila bloc called the Executive and Legislative Authorities to reveal the real reasons that led to depriving Iraq from hosting Khaliji 22 Championship and transferring it to Jeddah city in Saudi Arabia.

She stated to Iraqi News “Transferring the Championship disappointed the people of Basra who were looking for holding it in their province.”

“We do not deny that there are political hidden agendas behind transferring the championship but we also should admit the negligence of the companies that implement the projects of the sport city in Basra,” she added.

“This negligence provides justifications for Gulf countries to deprive Iraq from its right in hosting the championship,” she continued.

“Withdrawing from the championship is a right decision to preserve Iraq’s dignity,” she concluded.