Saturday, September 21, 2024


45 people killed, wounded during Sunday explosions in Iraq

MoI : 45 Persons killed, wounded during Sunday explosions
Baghdad ( The official Spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier Saad Maan, declared that “The series of terrorist operations that occurred on Sunday resulted in killing and wounding (45) persons.”

Maan stated to Iraqi News ( “The two car bombs that exploded in Wasit province resulted in killing two persons and wounding (12) others and the explosions of the two car bombs in Hilla city resulted in wounding seven persons while the human casualties due to the explosions of the two car bombs that took place in Muthana province reached two deaths and seven injuries.”

”Two persons were killed and seven others were wounded due to the explosion of the car bomb in Diwaniya province and the explosion of the car bomb in Mahmoudiya district resulted in killing a child and wounding six persons,” he added.

He continued saying that “The human casualties due to the two car bombs that exploded in Basra province are still initial.”

Many southern Iraqi provinces such as Basra, Diwaniya, Babel, Baghdad, Wasit and Muthana witnessed explosions by car bombs that resulted in killing and wounding many innocent people, while other provinces imposed strict security measures in anticipation of possible terrorist explosions.