Saturday, October 5, 2024


Tayfur criticizes Turkmen’s request to transfer Tuz Khormato to Turkmeni province

Tayfur criticizes Turkmen\
Baghdad ( The Second Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and the key figure in the Kurdistani Alliance, Arif Tayfur, strongly condemned the request of Turkmen to transfer Tuz Khormato district into a Turkmen province.

Tayfur’s media office reported in a statement received by ”Tayfur strongly denounced some political figures within Turkmen community who demanded to transfer Tuz Khormato district into a Turkmen province,” stressing that ”This step violates the rights of Kurds and represents a new attempt to hinder the article (140) of the Iraqi Constitution as well as creating disputes in the area to disturb stability.”

”Choosing Tuz district to be transferred into a Turkmen province though it is known as dominated by Kurdish majority was meant to disturb the unity of Iraq since Turkmen community widely exist in other Iraqi provinces which reveals political motives by some political sides in an attempt to arouse problems among Iraqi components and sects,” the statement concluded.