Saturday, September 21, 2024


MoP : Disagree with Federal Government regarding joint forces deployment

Erbil ( The Ministry of Peshmerga within Kurdistan Regional Government revealed disagreeing within the High Joint Security Committee, within the Federal Government, over the deployment of joint security forces in the disputed areas.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga and the official spokesperson of the General Command of Protecting Kurdistani Areas Forces, Lieutenant General Jabbar Yawar, declared in a statement received by ”A delegation of the Ministry of Peshmerga held a regular meeting with the High Joint Security Committee at the headquarter of the Iraqi Army Ground Forces in Baghdad on Monday.”

”The meeting tackled wide discussions over the joint coordination between Peshmerga forces and the security forces of the Federal Government within the joint work frame that will be applied in Kurdistani areas that are out of the administration of Kurdistan RegionG where both sides assured the importance of joint work in order to reach an agreement that satisfy both sides,” the statement added.”So far, three items still disagreed upon which are the manner of deploying joint forces, the location of the main command headquarter and including Tuz Khormato district to these areas,” the statement concluded.