Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Urgent – Source exposes politicians disputes over seats

Urgent ... Source exposes politicians disputes over seats

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) A source within the Parliament revealed the disputes among the political blocs about the distribution of the seven seats that were allocated for blocs out of (15) parliamentary seats within the (325) seats of the amendment of the elections law in 2014.The source told Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) ”The seven seats were distributed as three seats for Kurdistani Alliance, two seats for Baghdad province, a seat for Basra province and a seat for Nineveh province.””The dispute is about the seat that was granted for Nineveh province to be granted for Izidi community or to grant it to Anbar province and the other issue is about to take a seat from Baghdad to grant it to Feily Kurds community,” the source added.”The rest eight seats were distributed by mutual consent among minorities,” the source concluded. \END\