Saturday, September 21, 2024


200 antique sites to be inaugurated in Najaf, Iraq

Tourism Committee: 200 antique sites to be inaugurated in Najaf
Baghdad ( The Parliamentary Tourism Committee announced its intention to inaugurate 200 antique sites in Najaf province.

The member of the Committee, Hussein al-Shirifi, stated to Iraqi News ( “We have discussed with the head of the Antiques Committee within Najaf Provincial Council, Aseel al-Talaqani, the means of promoting the tourist sector in Najaf by the join cooperation between Najaf PC and the parliament.”

“Najaf has 200 antique sites that need to be inaugurated to the tourists,” he added, noting that “Talaqani assured that the Tourist Committee within Najaf PC is ready to help in this issue and develop the antique sites to promote the tours sector in Iraq.”