Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan Region seeks 14 Trillion IQD from 2014 budget as credit for oil companies

MP: Kurdistan Region requests 14 Trillion IQD from 2014 budget as oil merits

Baghdad ( MP, Haytham al-Jouburi, of the Parliamentary Finance Committee stated that Kurdistan Region requests 14 Trillion IQD as oil credits for the oil companies working in Kurdistan Region.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The General Budget law will be late to be sent to the parliament because it has many defects including that of Kurdistan Region and some others such as the salaries of the Peshermga elements.”

“There are internal disputes among the Kurdish MPs and ministers where the ministers call the MPs not to vote on the General Budget without preserving the rights of Kurdistan Region,” he added.

He described the demands of Kurdistan Region as “Illogical,” noting that “We always request the Financial Observation Divan to check the accuracy of the information of the Oil Ministry of the Central Government and the Natural Resources Ministry of Kurdistan Region.”