Friday, September 20, 2024


1 billion IQD allocated to each province affected by floods in Iraq

CoM allocates IQD billion for each province affected due to floodsBaghdad ( The Council of Ministers decided to allocate a billion IQD for each province affected due to rain falling.

The Presidency of the Cabinet reported in a statement received by ”The Cabinet held its regular 48th session on 19/11/2013 chaired by the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, that resulted in approving the allocation of a billion IQD for each province that was affected due to rain falling as a fund to be used only is cases of natural disasters such as heavy rain falling and floods.”

”The CoM also decided to authorize the governors of the provinces, Baghdad Mayorship and the Ministry of Municipalities to hire the services vehicles and exclude them from instructions of implementing contracts,” the statement added.