Sunday, September 22, 2024


Urgent – 47 deaths, 131 injuries in Baghdad attacks on Wednesday

Urgent .. Baghdad death toll reaches 47 deaths, 131 injuriesBaghdad ( Casualties due to the explosions that took place in various areas of Baghdad on Wednesday claimed up to reach (178) deaths and injuries.

According to the security source of Iraqi News ( ”The terrorist explosions resulted in killing (47) persons and wounding (131) others.”

”The explosion of Sadriya area resulted in killing seven persons and wounding (23) others and the explosion of the first car bomb in Tubachi area resulted in killing five persons and wounding (14) others while the second car bomb in same area resulted in killing four persons and wounding (11) others,” the source added.”

The car bomb which went off in Kahramanh Square resulted in killing five persons and wounding ten others and seven persons were killed and (21) were wounded within the explosion that took place in Shaab area meanwhile the explosion of Adhamiya area resulted in killing five persons and wounding (12) others and in Amel neighborhood seven citizens were killed and (16) others were injured,” the source explained.

The source continued saying that ”The explosion that took place in Hurriya area resulted in killing five persons and wounding (19) others while in Abu Gharib one citizen was killed and five others were wounding as well as assassinating and employee of the Ministry of Electricity in Baladiyat area.”

Though all the strict security measures this wave of terrorist explosions reverberated Baghdad and the Commanding General of Armed Forces, Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, declared adopting a new strategy in combating the Terrorist Qaeda Organization in Iraq since their activities were increased during last months leaving many victims.