Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Integrity Commission, corruption suspect to form new political slate

Integrity Commission, corruption suspect to form new political slate

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Member, Jawad al-Shiheli, of the Integrity Parliamentary Committee reveled that ”The Iraqi businessman, Fadhel al-Dabas, who is accused of corruption case related to equipping the useless sonar explosives detectors devices, is intending to form a political entity to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections.”Shiheli stated to IraqiNews.com “Dabas will announce the formation of new electoral slate, named Economists Slate, during the few next days and he will join the State of Law Coalition in return of handling all the expensive required for the propagandas to his slate and SLC.””The new slate will include several rich people whose financial capitals control 90% of the projects that are being implemented in Iraq and they are affiliate to SLC,” he concluded. \END\