Saturday, September 21, 2024


Muqtada al-Sadr resolves Mahdi Army in Diyala province

Sadr resolves Mahdi Army in DiyalaNajaf ( The Head of the Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, instructed to resolve the Mahdi Army in Diyala province due to conducting a military parade in the province.

Sadr answered one of his followers about a group of militants who organized a military parade in Diyala province ”The parade is considered a clear violation for our instructions regarding freezing the activities of Mahdi Army and to prevent any military activities or wearing the military uniform since the group did not informed any authority or take the permission to conduct this parade.”

”Each element that participated in organizing this parade is dismissed from Mahdi Army and should be punished,” he added.

”Sadr announced three days mourning and closing all offices of Sadr Trend in Diyala province,” stressing that ”Any element will participate in any military parade in Baghdad or any other province will be dismissed of Mahdi Army,” he concluded.