Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Sadr praises Maliki’s stance in punishing corrupted elements

Sadr praises Maliki\

Najaf (IraqiNews.com) The Head of Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, praised the stance of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, related to hold accountability for each element of Mahdi Army that participated in conducting the military parade in Diyala province.Sadr answered one of his followers asked about his opinion regarding Maliki’s resolution that ”I advise Maliki to handle them strictly and not to include the elements of Mahdi Army who did not participated in conducting the military parade.””Sadr thanked Maliki due to his stance in punishing all corruptors and obeying our opinions regarding not to conduct any military parade,” he added.”Sadr demanded Maliki to arrest the persons who organized the military parade not or affiliating Mahdi Army, since he has dismissed them of his Trend, ” stressing that ”The punishment will be for corrupted elements has nothing to do with Sadr Trend of Sadr tribal,” he concluded. \END\